
Sentences with Might and Might not

Published on March 28, 2024

In this post, you will find all the examples of sentences with the modal verb “might.”

We use “might” to show possibility or uncertainty as it is shown in these sentences.

  • I might come and visit you next year.
  • This place might be dangerous.
  • I might have another dollar in my pocket.
  • She might call you later to discuss the project.
  • They might visit us next month

By the end of this post, you will have a better understanding of how to use “might” in your own sentences. Let’s get started!

Uses of the Modal Verb Might

These are some examples of sentences in which might is used to make a suggestions

  • You might want to try a different approach.
  • We might consider hiring a tutor.
  • You might want to check your email.
  • You might want to talk to your teacher.
  • We might want to start saving more money.
  • We might want to consider a different option.
  • You might want to think about it more.
  • We might want to take a break.
  • We might want to call a professional.

Affirmative Sentences with Might

The structure to make affirmative sentences with might is simple


These are some examples of sentences with might

  • She might get a promotion at work.
  • He might win the lottery.
  • They might have a baby.
  • I might finally be able to afford a new house.
  • We might go on a trip to Europe.
  • You might get accepted into that university.
  • The weather might be beautiful tomorrow.

  • Our team might make it to the playoffs.
  • She might find a new hobby.
  • He might start a new business.
  • They might buy a new car.
  • I might learn a new language.
  • We might get a new pet.
  • You might find a new job.

Negative Sentences with Might

The structure to make negative sentences with might is simple

Mightmight not

These are some examples of negative sentences with might

  • She might not finish her homework on time.
  • He might not pass his driving test.
  • They might not win the game.
  • I might not get the promotion I was hoping for.
  • We might not be able to go on vacation this year.
  • You might not get the raise you were expecting.
  • The weather might not be nice tomorrow.
  • The stock market might not continue to rise.
  • Our team might not make it to the playoffs.

  • She might not pass her physical exams.
  • He might not quit her job.
  • They might not have enough money to pay the rent.
  • I might not be able to go to the party.
  • We might not be able to afford a new car.
  • You might not be accepted into your dream college.
  • The relationship might not work out.
  • The project might not be completed on time.
  • Our team might not win the championship.

Sentences with Might Have

This is the structure to make sentences with “might have”

Might havemight have
Complementthe keys inside the car
  1. She might have left her keys on the kitchen counter.
  2. They might have already arrived at the party.
  3. I might have misunderstood his instructions.
  4. We might have forgotten to turn off the lights before leaving.
  5. He might have misplaced his wallet at the restaurant.
  6. You might have left your phone in the car.
  7. Jane might have finished her presentation by now.
  8. Tom might have overslept and missed the train.

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English