
Safety at Work English Vocabulary

Published on March 28, 2022 | Updated on April 13, 2024

If you are going to work in a English-speaking country, you should study some of the safety at work vocabulary and expressions.

You have to be familiar with:

  • Accidents and Injuries Vocabulary
  • Hazardous Material Vocabulary
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Safety Signs
  • How to Give Warning using Different Modals

Let’s check part of that safety at work vocabulary that you need to learn

Safety at Work: Accidents and Injuries

This is the most common accidents and Injuries vocabulary

Cuts Poisoning
SprainBroken Bones
Broken bonesBackaches
Swelling Sun Burns

Safety at Work: Effects of Hazardous Materials

These are some examples of hazardous materials in English

Cough Sore eyes

Safety at Work: Personal Protective Equipment

These are the most common personal protective equipment in English

Safety GlassesSafety Shoes
Dust MaskEar plugs
GlovesFace shield
Ear muffsRespirator

Safety at Work: Safety Signs

These are meaning of the safety signs

  1. Red warning signs warn you about thing you can’t do
  2. Blue warning signs warn you about things you need to do to stay safe
  3. Yellow warning signs warn you about danger
  4. Green warning signs help you get out of danger

Safety at Work: How to Give Warnings

These are several ways to give warnings in English. We can use the imperatives and different modals to do so:


The most direct way to give a warning in English is using imperatives

  1. Don’t block the fire exit
  2. Don’t smoke
  3. Don’t run around here, it is too dangerous.
  4. Don’t touch that button


The modal must can be used to give warning in English

  1. You must wear a helmet all the time
  2. You must stay outside
  3. You must wear safety glasses in this zone
  4. You must wear a safety boots to enter this zone


The modal can’t is also used to give warnings in English

  1. You can’t enter here
  2. You can’t run here
  3. You can’t use your cellphone in this area
  4. You can’t use these products

Allowed to

  1. You aren’t allowed to enter here
  2. You aren’t allowed to run here
  3. You aren’t allowed to be in this room alone
  4. You aren’t allowed to use heavy machinery


  • Workers should wear appropriate protective gear at all times.
  • Only individuals who have received proper training should operate heavy machinery.
  • Employees should strictly adhere to safety guidelines.
  • Employees should use proper lifting techniques to avoid strain

Interested in Learning some More?

I hope that you have found the safety at work vocabulary you were looking for

These are some English Lessons that you also can learn a few things from

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English