
My Education in English: Guide, Examples and More

Published on February 4, 2021 | Updated on June 20, 2024

Today we are going to learn how to talk about our education in English including our educational background, majors, and more.

To be able to talk about education, we have to become familiar with the different questions and possible answers related to this topic.

These are some examples of questions

AWhere do you study?
BI study in a community college
AWhat degrees or certifications do you have?
BI have a degree in English teaching

Now, let’s explore all that you need to know to make and answer questions about your educational background in English

Majors in English

Let’s start with the basics, what major are there?

Business AdministrationBusiness Management
System EngineeringPsychology
Information TechnologyEnergy Engineering

These are some examples of sentences:

  • I study Business Administration
  • I study languages
  • I am in Law School
  • I study Psychology

Major or Career?

Some students confuse major and career, they are related but they are not synonyms

  • I am in the business major
  • I have a career in Business
  • I finished my major in Marketing in 2008
  • I started my career in 2009

Expert in Something?

You can be specific about your area of expertise

  • I studied Business Administration, Now I am an online marketer.
  • I studied business and now I work as a restaurant manager.
  • I studied administration but now I work in a human resources department
  • I studied Information technology, I work as a WordPress developer.
  • I studied administration and now I work as a social media marketer

Common Questions and Answers: Past

To master this topic, we have to learn what the most common questions and most common responses are:

Let’s start with the questions and answers about the past

  • Where did you study in high school?
  • I study at the Liceo de Nicoya High school
  • Where did you go to university?
  • I went to Ulatina University
  • What did you study at University?
  • I studied English teaching and Business Administration
  • Why did you choose your major?
  • Because English wasn’t so difficult for me
  • When did you graduate?
  • I graduated in 2018

Common Questions and Answers

Let’s check some questions that deal with the present

AWhat qualifications do you have?
BI have a degree in Marketing and a certificate in English
AWhat is your favorite subject?
BI love marketing classes
AWhat are you studying?
BI am studying Languages
AWhat classes are you taking?
BI am about to finish my master’s degree
AWhat else can you do?
BI can work in customer service and I know WordPress a lot
  • Can you speak any languages?
  • I only speak Spanish and English
  • Do you have a major already?
  • Yes, I do. I have a major in English teaching.
  • What do you like the most about your major?
  • I like teaching English to adults
  • What subjects are you really good at?
  • I am good at grammar and pronunciation
  • What subject are you terrible at?
  • I am terrible with theory
  • What can you do?
  • I can speak English
  • What courses do you have?
  • I have administration, public relations, and marketing courses
  • Do you have any certificates?
  • Yes, I have a C1 Certificate from the Centro Cultural Costarricense NorteAmericano
  • Have you taken any computer classes?
  • I took beginner classes at University and I took Microsoft Office classes at INA

Key Phrases to Talk about Your Educational Background

These are some important terms that can help you speak about your educational background.

  • High school diploma
  • Major in _______
  • I have a degree in _______
  • I took some ______ classes
  • I can _______
  • I have certificate in_______
  • I have a _____________ certificate
  • I took some____________courses
  • I am studying ____________
  • I am good at____________
  • I am studying in___________
  • I am taking ____________ classes
  • I have an ___________ degree from the Universidad Latina de Costa Rica

A conversation about your Educational Background

This a short conversation between two teenagers talking about school and some other stuff

JenniferHello Leonel
LeonelHi Jennifer, where are you going?
JenniferI have to take the bus, I have a class
LeonelWhat classes are you taking?
JenniferI am taking a Math Class
LeonelI know Math in case you need help
JenniferI’ll send you a text tonight
LeonelOk, Talk to you later

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English