
Lesson: Likes and Dislikes at Work

Published on July 11, 2024

There are instances when you don’t hate your job but you hate parts of it so today we are going to learn how to talk about likes and dislikes at work.

We will learn how to make:

#3Open Questions
#4Closed Questions

So Let’s get started

Questions to Ask about Likes and Dislikes

These are some common questions about likes and dislikes at work

Questions with Likes and Dislike

The first set of questions includes the verbs: Like and Dislike

  • Do you like using computers?
  • Why don’t you like working under pressure?
  • Do you dislike dealing with customers?
  • Do you like traveling?
  • Why don’t you like attending meetings?
  • Do you like working alone?
  • Do you really like selling things?
  • Do you like helping people?
Question with Prefer

All these questions have been created using Prefer

  • Do you prefer working indoors or outdoors?
  • Do you prefer the day shift or the night shift?
  • Do you prefer making calls or sending emails?
Questions with Can

These questions have been made using the modal can

  • Can you use a computer?
  • Can you manage other people?
  • Can you be a good leader?
  • Can you teach others how to do things?
  • Can you solve problems?
  • Can you speak other languages?
Questions with Feel

All these questions have been made with how do you feel about?

  • How do you feel about asking for help?
  • How do you feel about using a computer?
  • How do you feel about leading a team?
  • How do you feel about traveling?
  • How do you feel about creating spreadsheets?
  • How do you feel about talking on the phone?
  • How do you feel about working with people?
  • How do you feel about public speaking?

Schema Activation (20 Mins)


Let’s rank things we like and hate about work


  1. Go to Menti.com
  2. Type the code
  3. Rank the options from best to worst

Then during the second slide, write a sentence about:

  1. Professional Goals (work-related)
  2. Learning Goals (Formal and Informal education)

Remember that you can use expressions such as:

  • I will…
  • I am going to …
  • I hope to…
  • I might…
  • I want to …
  • I would like to …

Pre-Task #1: Reading (30 Mins)


Let’s read about what people think about programming


  1. Make pairs
  2. Go to the “Do you like Programming? Reading”
  3. Take 5 mins to check the vocabulary
  4. Take 5 mins to read it
  5. Take 10 mins minutes to write about something you like and dislike about Information technologies
  6. Take 6 mins to share your opinions with your classmates

Pre-Task #2: Reading (30 Mins)


Let’s read about what people think about programming

Follow these instructions carefully

  1. Make groups of three.
  2. Read the questions first, make you understand each one of them.
  3. Read the question again and try to share an opinion, take notes
  4. Then try to do it for real communicating only in English

Main Task


Time to show what you have learned

There will be six scenarios for this oral task:

#1Work Goals
#2Learning Goals
#3General Likes at Work
#4General Dislikes at Work
#5IT-Related Likes
#6IT-Related Dislikes

Post-Task: Likes and Dislikes at Work


Complete the sentences about likes and dislikes

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English